Free Entry
Date - 17/01/2019
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Studio Room, Loddon Valley, Leisure Center,
Rushey Way
United Kingdom
No Value
Map Unavailable
Free Entry
Date - 17/01/2019
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Studio Room, Loddon Valley, Leisure Center,
Rushey Way
United Kingdom
No Value
Map Unavailable
You will be surprised to experience the enthusiasm our committee members share to work for the community. We need more people like you as there is always something to do for the community. ...All our organizers and members are volunteers who are involved in some daily job but wants to spend the extra time for the benefit of community. A charity which helps them to create a community and neighbourhood for their children. We and our family are the direct beneficiaries for the work we do. There is more fun when we work together rather than watch the things happening from outside. Come join us to build a better community. You can become a volunteer, an event organizer, submit ideas for events, you can become a lead and transform the way we do things. This community is yours, and it always needs energetic and enthusiastic people like you. All it takes is an intention to build a better community. Please send a mail to to join the organizing and event planning committee.